Vittorio Verta’s atmospheric lighting design captures the sense of danger that hangs

over Britten and Pears as they negotiate the draconian law of the time

Paul Vale - the stage

Vittorrio Verta’s lighting design helped bring the audience’s focus to what needed it most,

while helping to distinguish the real from the supernatural.

Olivia Lantz - Everything Theatre

The lighting throughout (by Vittorio Verta) is indeed very good,

with many key moments highlighted beautifully.

H. Hemming - London theatre Pub

lit strikingly by Vittorio Verta, who brings more than a touch

of futurismo to this German Expressionist myth.

Julian Evans - British

a dramatic lighting design by Vittorio Verta creates atmosphere well.

Andrew Houghton - Theatre reviews hub

The lighting (Vittorio Verta) ably fashions the dappled sunlight and

shadows in the woods as well as the fairy-tale special effects.

Joanna Hetherington - the spy in the stalls